Champion Trees

Champion Trees

Points Calculation

Champion Tree Points are used to determine a ranking between individual trees.  The Champion Tree score's calculated for each individual tree is based on the imperial USA formula:

Trunk Circumference  [inches] + Height  [feet] + ¼  Average Crown Spread  [feet] = Total Points

All metric tree measurements entered in the New Zealand Tree Register are automatically converted to this imperial calculation to arrive at the points recorded for each tree.  New Zealand trees can be directly compared with many other countries using this formula  i.e.  Canada,  USA,  Australia and the UK.

When more than one tree has a score that falls within 10 points of each other, they are considered as co-champions.

The champion tree score can be found on the search results in Default View - click the 'Score' column to rank the table of entries.

Scores are only shown for single-stemmed trees. Champion Tree Points are NOT calculated for trees with multiple stems.

In addition to over-all champion rankings, trees can also be compared by their individual measurements i.e. tallest, largest etc. Given that low branching, single-stemmed trees have an advantage over high branching single-stemmed trees, it may be more appropriate to separate these different classes of trees and rank them individually but this is beyond the current capability of the tree register.  Individual users of the information contained on the tree register should consider these issues when referencing any current rankings.

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